AVIPure® Affinity Resins
AVIPure® - AAV Affinity Resins provide capture step purification of adeno-associated virus (AAV) 2, 8, and 9 vectors with potential alkaline clean-in-place regeneration for improved process economics. A 50 µm cross-linked agarose matrix bead ensures compatibility with standard bioprocess columns and flow rates.
AVIPure dsRNA Clear is the first and only bead based, affinity chromatography solution for removing dsRNA impurities from mRNA preparations. The solution is targeted, eliminates the use of organic solvents (EtOH), negates the need for a non-specific and non-scalable removal methods and sets the standard for dsRNA impurity clearance in mRNA production processes.
AVIPure® Affinity Resins are also available pre-packed in OPUS® RoboColumn® and OPUS® MiniChrom™ Pre-packed columns.